En Español

Revolutionary Cuba

The University of Miami Richter Library began acquiring books, periodicals and other materials from Revolutionary Cuba soon after 1959, often despite numerous obstacles. In order to preserve the written record of the history of Cuba and its people, the Cuban Heritage Collection strives to maintain a library collection that is balanced and representative of all sectors of the Cuban population.. Among the most salient collections are The Tad Szulc Research Papers, containing the transcripts of Szulc's 1984-1985 interviews with Fidel Castro and high-ranking members of the Cuban Communist government; and revolutionary posters, an important body of literature used by the Cuban government to disseminate information.

Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas: [Sello de Correo]= [Union of Communist Youth: Postage Stamp]
Album de la Revolución Cubana, 1952-1959 = [Album of the Cuban Revolution, 1952-1959]
Vista de una celda tapiada en la Prisión del Combinado del Este, Habana, Cuba
Bohemia, edición de la libertad, part 1

Nosotros, la revolución
Granma (año 42, numero 182, Agosto 1, 2006)
Control de Ventas para Productos Alimenticios