168. It is a vision of the many sights we have seen and the things we have enjoyed. But somehow we can't help our minds
from wandering up North. But we are not homesick. Oh no, far from it! We find ourseleves constantly comparing the scenery, and we long to see a hill or mountain, a crystal brook or lake with pure sweet water. We long to
sit under the shade of a wide spreading elm or maple. We would like to see a beautiful green meadow or harvest field of grain, or pretty farm cottages.We enjoy Florida. Its scenery is grand, its climate
lovely--the broad graceful palms, through they offer little shade look magnificent in pictures, and its an ideal place to spend a winter. But for the whole year round, we rather prefer the North to live in.
We are of the opinion that the Empire State is a little ahead of anything we have yet seen. So there seems but one thing for us to do, pack up our grips--leave the sleepy darky and the hungry alligator, and return to
the land of springtime and apple blossoms. --Good Night-- |