Biographical Sketch-
Private and Corporate Collections- The Oricha Collection- Further Reading
Private and Corporate Collections- The Oricha Collection- Further Reading
Alberto del Pozo |
1945 - 1992 |

[Miami, ca. 1981)
1 note card: col.; 7 3/4 x 5 3/4 in. (18.5 x 13.5 cm.)
YEMAYA. Queen of the Waters, Yemayá is the mother of all Orichas. A siren at sea, on land she becomes an amazing beauty adorned with the manifold treasures of the deep. Her conduct is impeccable and she is the ultimate protectress of the faithful. Her messenger is a mouse and a serpent her constant companion.
YEMAYA. Dios médico. Reina de las Aguas y madre de todos los Orichas. En el mar es sirena. En la tierra, una negra de belleza deslumbrante, vistosa y amiga de adornarse con los tesoros de los océanos. Mujer de conducta impecable y máxima protectora de los fieles. Su mensajero es el ratón, y la acompaña siempre una serpiente.