During the last decades, Miami has experienced unprecedented
economic growth, attracting thousands of immigrants
mainly from Latin America. An estimated half of its
population is foreign-born, which led the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) to rank Miami the most multi-cultural
city in the world in 2004. Miami has become a world city with bustling
banking and tourism industries and a considerable transient population that
comes for business and pleasure. Culture and creative industries, in
particular those produced in Spanish, have been an important source
of economic as well as symbolic capital. This transformation has not
been devoid of controversies, some of which are part of this story;
others, such as race relations and immigration conflicts, remain
beneath the surface of those images. With regards to the Cuban dilemma, only history will tell the
outcome of the unresolved dialogue between Cubans from both shores.
The development of Cuban and Hispanic theater in Miami, through the different artists, organizations and places highlighted in this exhibition, was one of the ways in which dissimilar groups of people from diverse backgrounds came together to participate in community building asserting Miami as their "home." A culture with different codes and signs has come of age, combining local and global histories, ethnic values, and languages, making Miami a crossroads for Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
Cuban Heritage Collection
University of Miami Libraries
University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida