Nineteenth Century Miracles
"Any student endowed with ordinary powers of observation will soon discover the 'modern outpouring of the spirit' has been just as full in other lands as in America, but no where else has the same freedom of speech been allowed to testify to the facts of spirit communication. No other people have so fully organized the propaganda of the movement by the aid of professional media as the Americans, neither have the inhabitants of any other country so universally systematised the use and culture of 'spiritual gifts'."
Nineteenth Century Miracles, or Spirits and Their Work in Every Country of the Earth.
A Complete Historical Compendium of the Great Movement Known as "Modern Spiritualism."

by: Emma Hardinge Britten
Author of "History of Modern American Spiritualism;" "Wildfire Club;" "Faiths, Facts, and Friends of Religious History;" "On the Road; or, a Manual for Spiritual Investigation;" "The Electric Physician;" "The Western Star Magazine;" and Numerous Lectures on Religion, Theology, Science and Reform
Published by William Britten.
New York: Lovell & Co., 14, Vessy Street, 1884.