And After
And After
Some Clairvoyant Experiments

By: H. Dennis Bradley
Chapter I: A Retrospect and a Review Embarkation - A retrospect - Success - Failure - Honesty - Fraud Proof of survival - The greatest scientific discovery in history - How can it be proved? - The "direct voice" - George Valentine - His record - The pinnacle of his mediumship - Physical Phenomena - The voice from space - Personal experiments - Dangerous obsessions - "Boom" dangers - The charlatans - H.G. Wells' comments - Instinctive antipathy - Clairvoyant and clairaudient mediums - The golden rules - The genuine mediums - A test - Automatic writing - Conan Doyle - Rubbish from Australia - Prejudice and credulity

Chapter II: A Sitting With Mrs. Osbourne Leonard The control "Feda" - An official sitting of the S.P.R. Poor phenomena - The personality of "Feda" - A verbatim dialogue - Business references - James White's offer - S.G. Soal's psychic experience - The telepathic theory - My personal experience - A business communication - I refuse James White's offer ...