image from page 15 of brochure entitled "Jet Clippers Are Here" announcing the dawn of the Jet Age depicting a flight crew of the 707 jet clipper. Caption reads: "Crew Competance comes from long experience and special training. Jet Clipper flight…
Image from page 15 of Pan American World Airways Annual Report for 1977. Caption reads: "Surveys show Pan Am is a favorite among both business and pleasure travelers."
Image from page 8 of Pan Am Clipper [newspaper], Vol. 9, No. 12, Dec. 1983. Caption reads: "Miami Landfall. Back in the U.S. after five months in the air, Charles Lindbergh (front) directs the docking of his aircraft on Miami's Biscayne Bay. Note the…
Image from page 17 of brochure entitled "It's a Pan American World" summarizing the airline's history and services. Caption reads: "Clipper service makes travel with children a joy. A helpful stewardess provides games and story books, a table for…