Halfern, Albert von.
Scenen aus den Kampfen der Indianer Floorida's Gegen die Wessen, Oder Der Letzte der Seminolen. Nebst Ruckblick Auf Die Zustande der Vereinigten Staaten; 2 Ausg. Dresden: Arnoldische Buchhandlung (Braunschweig, Druck von Gebruder Meyer), 1848. 311 pp.

This volume is the second edition of the work, which was first published in 1846 under the slightly altered title, Der Letzte der Seminolen. The title indicates that the volume contains the latest information about the Seminole Indians and includes details of various battles. Halfern was a German visitor to Florida who wrote this report including his views on the Second Seminole Indian War, 1835-1842.
In one section of the work, Halfern transcribes several cases of court-martials and their outcomes. Here he divides the page between the original English text and the German translation. One case involved Private Michael Daly of F Company, 3rd Infantry, who was charged with "Utter Worthlessness."
Specification in this, that Michael Daly was found intoxicated not less than thirteen times in the space of four weeks, that he has neglected to attend to the usual Company roll-call several times and that he has been confined for other misdemeanors four months out of six, --thereby rendering himself quite useless to the Service of the United States, utterly worthless and therefore fit to be discharged dishonourably from the Army.
To which the prisoner pleaded not guilty.
Sentence of the court.
The court, after mature deliberation on the testimony aduced, find the prisoner as follows:
Guilty of the specification, substituting however the word "partially" for the word "quite" and leaving out the words "and therefore fit to be dishonourably discharged from the army." Not guilty of the charge, but guilty of gross misconduct, highly unsoldierlike conduct and drunkenness and do sentence him, Private Michael Daly to have one half of his head shaved, to have the letter R (for rogue) branded to his right hip, to be drummed around the garrison and to be confined at hard labour in charge of the guard for four months.