The Boeing 747 (top) and 747SP (bottom) flown by Pan Am


The Boeing 747 (top) and 747SP (bottom) flown by Pan Am


Images from page 20 of Pan American World Airways Annual Report for 1977. Upper caption reads: "747. The mainstay of our fleet. Pan Am was the first airline to order the 747, which went into service in 1970. Pan Am now operates 34 747s, more than any other airline. Of this number, 28 are passenger models, six are all-cargo aircraft. Liked by passengers for its roomy comfort and speed, the 747 is also highly regarded by flight crews for its advanced technology, many safety features, and good handling characteristics. The present capacity of Pan Am's 747s is being expanded; a new 10-abreast configuration in the economy sections will enable the 747 to carry 30 first class passengers and 375 economy passengers - a 9 percent increase, or the equivalent of two additional 747s, for nearly $90 million less than the cost of new aircraft." Lower caption reads: "747SP. The newest Pan Am first, 47-feet shorter than the standard 747, its 7500-mile range is the longest of any commercial aircraft. The SP inaugurated the first nonstop service between New York and Tokyo and other widely separated points. Its capacity is 44 passengers in first class, 222 in economy. Pan Am is currently flying six SPs, with two more scheduled for delivery in 1978 and two additional in 1979."


Pan American World Airways, Inc.




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Pan American World Airways, Inc., “The Boeing 747 (top) and 747SP (bottom) flown by Pan Am,” UM Libraries Digital Exhibits, accessed March 15, 2025,