Deborah Jack is a Caribbean artist from St. Martin. She works to construct a personal/ cultural history based on ancestral or re-memory using painting, video, photography, sound art and poetry.
Deborah Jack is a Caribbean artist from St. Martin. Not only in terms of geography but also in terms of cultural/ spiritual location. She has been a professional artist since 1996. The focus of her practice is on constructing a personal/ cultural history based on ancestral or re-memory using painting, video, photography, sound art and poetry.
In 1995 she represented the Netherlands Antilles at the Caribbean Festival of Creative Arts (CARIFESTA) VI in Trinidad and Tobago in the area of Visual Arts and drama. In 2000 she represented St. Martin at CARIFESTA VII in the area of literary arts where she was once of the featured readers. In 1997 Deborah together with several cultural activities created AXUM art café. This venue became the nurturing ground and gathering place for the islands avant-garde musicians, poet, dancers, visual artists and intellectuals.
"The Rainy Season" is Deborah’s first published volume of pomes. Her work has been published in the literary journals. The Caribbean Writer, Calabash, and various Caribbean regional newspapers. She has read her work at the Studio Museum of Harlem as well as an invited author at the Miami Book fair International. She was a fellow the Caribbean Writers Institute at the University of Miami, a recipient of grants from the Prince Bernard Culture Fund (1996 and 2004) and OKSNA (Social Cultural Organization of the Netherlands Antilles).
Deborah Jack completed her MFA at the University at Buffalo, in 2002, where she received several grants and fellowships, including the SUNY College of Arts and Science Dissertation Fellowship and was a 2002 Fellow of photography Institute National Graduate Seminar.
In 2003 she was a Light work, Artist-in-Residence at Syracuse University, and won the CEPA Exhibition Award in Buffalo, New York. Her work has been exhibited and screened in solo and group shows in St. Martin, Tallahassee, Ukraine, Trinidad and Tobago, Germany, Finland, Buffalo, Rochester, Mexico and Cuba.
[Content provided by Deborah Jack]
2002 - Masters of Fine Arts, State University of New York at Buffalo, Amherst, NY
2004 - Big Orbit Gallery A-I-R (Sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts), Buffalo, NY
2003 - Lightwork, Artist in Residence, Syracuse NY
2002 - The Photography Institute: National Graduate Seminar
1996 Caribbean Summer Writers Institute, Fellow at University of Miami
2006 - The Arts & Cultural Council for Greater Rochester-Havens-Davis Electronic Media Award
2004 - Prince Bernhard Culture Fund.
2004 - New York Foundation for the Arts- Special Opportunity Stipend Grant
2003 - CEPA Exhibition Award
2000 - Morrison Memorial Scholarship, University at Buffalo
2000 - New York State Citation for Excellence in Art
2000 - Vice President Purchase Award at SUNY Brockport
1997 Prince Bernhard Fund Creative Grant.
1977 OKSNA (Social Cultural Foundation of the Netherlands Antilles Grant
2006 - bounty, Carnegie Art Center, North Tonawanda, New York
2006 - lift/left, Rochester Contemporary, Rochester New York
2004 - shore, Big Orbit Gallery, Buffalo, New york
2004 - t/here, Diaspora Vibe Gallery, Miami, Florida USA
2004 - t/here, CEPA Upper Passage Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
2004 - something would linger', CEPA Public Art Project, Window on Main Street, Buffalo, New York
2003 - imagined spaces, Nannette Bearden Fine Arts Gallery, Philipsburg, St. Martin
2002 - the blowing season, Carnegie Art Center, North Tonawanda, New York
2001 - a/salt, a/salted, a/salting, Nannette Bearden Fine Arts Gallery, Philipsburg, St. Martin
1996 innocence, Mosera Fine Arts Gallery, Philipsburg, St. Martin
2006 - 1st Biennial of Diaspora Artists in Nassau, Pop Up Studio, Nassau Bahamas
2006 - Memory making meaning, Evolutionary Girls Club, Visual Studies Work Shop, Rochester, NY
2006 - Art Miami 2006, Diaspora vibe Gallery, Miami Convention Center Miami Florida
2005 - Outcast (Art Basel Miami), Diaspora Vibe Gallery, Miami, Florida
2005 - Art Faculty Biennial, Visual Art Building Gallery, New Jersey City University, Jersey City
2005 - Brian Gustafson x Deborah Jack, Visual Art Building Gallery, New Jersey City University, Jersey City, New Jersey
2005 - Off the Main: The Show of Contemporary African, Caribbean and Latin American Art, Puck Building, New York, New York
2004-5 (Art Basel Miami), Diaspora Vibe Gallery, Miami, Florida
2005 - More Than Meets the Eye, Castellani Art Museum of Niagara University, Niagara Falls, New York
2005 - Off the Main: The Show of Contemporary African, Caribbean and Latin American Art, Puck Building, New York, New York
2005 - TPI-NGS, Portfolio, SRO Gallery at Texas Tech University, School of Art, Lubbock, Texas
2005 - 7th Biennial Photography Art Auction, CEPA Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
2005 - The Melting: An Evolution of American Culture, Rockefeller Arts Center Gallery, Fredonia, NY, Curator: Cynnie Gaasch, Curator & Arts Editor ArtVoice
2005 - Borderlands, Evolutionary Girls Club, Carnegie Art Center, North Tonawanda, New York
2003 Vision +, Exhibition of Caribbean Photography, Curator: Marianne de Tolentino, Vice-President of the International art Critics Association
2003 Loading_, 1st International Exposition of Electronic Art, Morelia, Mexico
2003 - t/here, Beacon Street Gallery, Chicago, Il, Curator: Margy Stover, Assistant Curator Beacon Street Gallery.
2003 - Evolutionary Girls Club- Traveling exhibition: Mostumoto, Japan; Zagreb, Croatia; Budapest, Hungary
2003 - V Salon Internacional de Arte Digital, Havana Cuba, Jurors: Abel Casaus, Eduardo Molto, Jose Gomez, Fresquet, Lesbia Vent Dumois & Yoel Almaguer
2003 - gender & generations, Philipsburg St. Maarten, Curators: Marianne de Tolentino, Vice-President of the International Art Critics Association
2003 - Young Photography: Multiple Expressions Anderson Gallery, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY; School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, Curator: Joanna Soltan, Curator School of the Museum of Fine Art
2002 - The Projected Image: Visual to Political, JWRU Arts & Crafts Center, Gainesville, FL
2002 - Regarding Beauty, Photography Exhibition, Texas Women’s University, Denton Texas, Juror: Deborah Willis, Photo Historian, Professor, New York University
2002 - Fiesta del Caribe, Havana, Cuba
2002 - The Photography Institute: National Graduate Seminar, Leroy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, New York, NY
2002 - Evolutionary Girls Club- Traveling exhibition: Intercultural Week at Europride, Koln, Germany; Moonbow Festival, Stockholm; Sweden; Rivinvali ri, Helsinki, Finland; 2002 - Squeaky Wheels, Buffalo, NY
Diaspora, University at Buffalo, Center for the Arts-Second Floor Gallery, Buffalo, NY
2002 - Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival, "a/salting", Brooklyn, NY (screening)
2001 - Mobilizing Art: Responses to Terror and War, "This little light of mine", La Luna, Buffalo, NY (screening)
2001 - "Resonance" Murder the Word 4, Big Orbit Gallery, Buffalo, NY (screening)
2001 - Evolutionary Girls Club, Kiev, Ukraine (screening)
2001 - Member’s Exhibition, Carnegie Art Center, North Tonawanda, NY (invitational)
2001 - Murder the Word 4, Big Orbit Gallery, Buffalo, New York
2000 - Intersections, SPAS Gallery, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
2000 - Tower Fine Arts Gallery, Juried Group Exhibition SUNY at Brockport, Brockport, NY
2000 - "Hair We Go: Natural Hair-stories", University at Buffalo Screening Room, Buffalo
1995-97 - Art Invasion, Philipsburg, St. Martin, Netherlands Antilles
1995 - Caribbean Festival of the Arts, CARIFESTA VI, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
1993 - Kacika, St. Martin Museum of Modern Art, St. Martin, French West Indies
2006 - Contemporary Caribbean Art, Art Miami 2006, Miami Convention Center
2005 - Diaspora Vibe Gallery, Miami Florida
2004 - Diaspora Vibe Gallery, Miami Florida
2004 - Squeeky Wheel Media Arts Center, Buffalo, New York
2004 - State University of New York at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY
2003 - School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
"Young Photography" Moderated by Carla Williams,
2002 - University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
"Contemporary Artist of the Caribbean Diaspora", Art History Senior Methods
2001 - Miami-Dade Community College, Miami, FL
2006 - Winternachten Literary Festival, The Hague, The Netherlands
2005 - Krusa Laman/ Crossing the Sea Literary Festival& Tour, Netherlands Antilles
Keynote Speaker, 18th Annual Conscious Lyrics Martin Luther King Lecture Series
2004 - Poetry Africa, University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban, South Africa
2004 - Tradewinds Poetry Festival, Capetown South Africa
Jack, Deborah Drisana. skin, Philipsburg: House of Nehesi Publishers, 2006.
Jack, Deborah Drisana. The Rainy Season, Philipsburg: House of Nehesi Publishers, 1997.
Bhana Young, Hershini, "Opening Heads and Reaching Shores: Reading Ghostly Desire in Bessie Head's A Question of Power and Deborah Jack's SHORE" in Haunting, Capital: Memory, Text, and the Black Diasporic Body, University Press of New England, 2005
Williams, Carla, "Deborah Jack", Contact Sheet- Light Work Annual 2004
Young, Hershini, "A Journeying Practice, Exhibition Catalogue, "t/here"
Misani, "Winternachten Festival celebrates "heroes of the mind"", The New York Amsterdam News, February 9-15, 2006
Miokovic, Alex and Nickisher, Heidi, "The spirit of historical locations", City Newspaper, February 1, 2006.
Firmin, Sandra, Northeast Review: Buffalo, New York, Art Papers, January/February 2005
Huntington, Richard, ‘Shore Thing’, The Buffalo News, Gusto (Arts) Section (Cover Story), October 8, 2004
Gaasch, Cynnie, "Art Marathon: Buffalo fall season begins with a bang (start running)", ARTVOICE, September 9, 2004
de Tolentino, Marianne, "gender and generations: women artists of St. Maarten", 2003, exhibition catalouge
Bishop, Jacqueline, Unearthing Memories: St. Martin Artist Deborah Jack, Calabash Vol.2 no.2 Summer/Fall 2003
Badejo, Fabian A., "Modern Literature in English in the Dutch Windward Islands: A Brief Introduction" Calabash Vol. 2, No. 1, 2001
Gaasch, Cynnie, ARTVOICE Artist of the Week, March 13-19, 2003, Vol.2 no.11
Bharwani, Simran "Deborah Jack – Warrior Princess" Today, 18 July 2001
Thompson, Dwight "Deborah Jack: Mistress of Salt and Stone" Today, 11 June, 2001
"Inspired Chanting", St. Martin Massive: A Snapshot of Popular Artists,
House of Nehesi Publishers, 2000
Gross, Andy "Guerrilla Poetess Bares Her Soul in Startling "Rainy Season"
The St. Maarten Guardian, 5 June, 1997
Smit, Jennifer "Vision of Paradise- Indrukwekkend Platform van Visies", Beurs- en
Nieuwsberichten, 1997
Syracuse NY
The Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library
Texas Tech University.
State University of New York at Brockport
Court house, Court of First Instance Art Collection,
Philipsburg, St. Martin
Island Government of St. Martin, Dept. of Culture, Administration Building
Private collections: St. Martin, The Netherlands, USA and Canada
Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, Buffalo, NY, - Member Board of directors 2003 -2004
Society of Photographic Education- Multicultural Caucus
[Content provided by Deborah Jack]
My work continues to be an investigation/response and strategic attack on the neo-colonial "Tourist Space" that continues to frame my identity as a Caribbean artist working within a Dutch colonial framework. The current project, t/here, has evolved into an exploration of the difference/similarity between home/homing. The images deal with the fracturing of home space that occurs in the Diasporic body. The issues of globalization such as the crossing of borders the need for constant identification, of searches continue to traumatize the "othered" body. However fissures that exist between the ruptured spaces, which are evidence of trauma, are for me also sites of healing. These images are subtle investigation tensions and merging between my personal and public space in here in the US and at home in St. Martin (the Dutch Antilles). My shifting concept of home as I travel between these two cultural spaces. I hope to articulate the minor alterations that take place spatially and conceptually to compensate for not feeling at home anywhere. t/here represents my multiple modes of existence/being and my constant shifting of the concept of home. Home, not as a geographical space but as one of shifting memory/memories, where dynamic between the private/public, interior/exterior and the familiar/foreign is one of negotiation and compromise. In this scenario my body becomes a site for this flux and flow. This site, however is not fixed, it moves between cultural spaces that are at once familiar and foreign and finds the home space somewhere in between. [Content provided by Deborah Jack]
[Work 1] | Fish |
Tree | Tree |