Air Travel
YearMonthDayEvent Related
1942April20Construction began on the Richmond Naval Air Station. It was on the site of today's Metroozoo. 
1945September15A major hurricane hit southern Dade County. Many structures were destroyed. Several buildings on the Richmond Naval Air Station were among those destroyed, including the base's blimp hangars in a large fires. 
1946January01The Dade County Port Authority bought the airport on NW Thirty-Sixth Street. They purchased it from Pan American Airways for $2.5 million.display
January06The Miami Herald began offering "the Clipper edition." It was a smaller version of the Herald that they sent by air to the countries of Latin America. 
1953July16The Miami City Commission voted to establish a temporary City Hall. The old Pan American Airways terminal on Dinner Key was chosen as the site. 
1959January24Miami International Airport was dedicated.display
February01The 20th Street terminal at Miami International Airport opened. 
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