


Boca y Barra del Rio Nasau


Gonzalez, T. (1750-1846)


This chart of the Nassau River which is at the southern tip of Amalia (Amelia) Island is a rare original from the Spanish Admiralty's scarce sea-atlas of the American coasts. Others of Florida were of the St. Marys River, St. Johns River, Pensacola, Tampa Bay, and St. Augustine Harbor. The rivers and harbors around Amelia Island, Cumberland Island and the St. Johns River were active in trade by the British and Spanish, and were attacked by both as well as United States military people and private raiders. They were busy areas for importing slaves after the U.S. ban on slave importation in 1808. During the War of 1812 between the U.S. and Britain this part of East Florida and Pensacola and Mobile in West Florida were areas of conflict. T. Gonzalez was probably the engraver.


Portulano de la America Septentrional, Construido en la Dirrecion de trabajos hidrograficos. Madrid, 1809.
Servies No. 806, Phillips Atlases No. 1223, 1224, 1226.
Johannes Yesterdays Reflections

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