


A Map of the Southern Indiana District of North America - - - Manuscript in Ayer Collection at the Newberry Library


John Stuart (d. 1779); Joseph Purcell


The so called Stuart-Purcell map shows the Indian Boundary line signed at the Treaty of Picolata in 1765. “The Indian Boundary is by treaty the west bank of the St. Johns to its source, from there southward and round the cape, is regulated by the flowing of the tide.” This statement is written on the peninsula from north to the south almost to Cape Sable and grants to the English the entire coast, reserving the inland for the Indians.
“John Bartram was present with Governor James Grant at the Treaty of Picolata between the English and Lower Creek Indians on the St. Johns River.” “He was the first European to explore the upper sources of the St. Johns River.” His son William Bartram published his travels through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida in 1791.


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