
Resource Type: Journals
Bohemia. La Habana: 1908.
Founded in 1908 Bohemia was the most popular weekly magazine in Cuba covering history, politics, society. In 1958, in defiance of Batista, Bohemia published Fidel's Manifiesto de la Sierra. The magazine was intervened when its founder left Cuba. It can be viewed online at http://www.bohemia.cubaweb.cu/

Carteles. La Habana: 1919.
Known as the Time magazine of Cuba, this was a popular magazine that offers insights into culture and society. It was published between 1919 - 1960.

Debates americanos. La Habana: 1995.
This is an academic journal edited by professors and social scientists located in La Casa de Altos Estudios Don Fernando Ortiz in the faculty of Philosopy and History at the University of Havana. It explores historical themes such as 'Cubanidad' and reinterprets them in a contemporary context.

La Quincena: una respuesta Cristiana a los problemas de hoy. La Habana: 1961.
Published by the Franciscans, La Quincena was regarded by some as the most important progressive Catholic publication in Cuba during the 1950s and early 60's. Edited by Father Ignacio Biamin who was supported by the militant Catholic Labor Youth (JOC), it was Quincena that first published the Pastorales de los Obispos in the early1960's. These pastoral statements are key documents in the process of struggle between the government and the church.

Revista de la Biblioteca Nacional Jose Marti. La Habana: 1959-.
The Cuban National Libraries' journal is a scholarly journal dedicated to bibliography and reviews of historical publications. Its frequency varies. There is an emphasis on literary topics but history is also included. It is indexed in Historical Abstracts; America, History & Life; & Library & Information Science Abstracts.

Vivarium. : 1990.
Begun in 1990, this is a cultural and philosophical magazine that sometimes reflects on the effects of pre-revolutionary history in its articles.

Cuban Studies. Miami, FL: 1975.
Cuban Studies is the premier academic journal for content on all areas of Cuban Studies.

Cuadernos del Congreso por la Libertad de la Cultura. Paris: 1953.
Published in Paris, this journal of opinion had an editorial board that included personalities such as Aldous Huxley, V.R. Haya de la Torre, Romulo Gallegos and Jorge Manach. Articles on Cuba appear often. In issue #47, March-April 1961 there are articles by Angel del Cerro, Aureliano Sanchez Arango and Manuel Antonio de Varona among others all discussing the status of Cuba.

Cuba bohemia. Caracas, Venezuela: 1965.
This is Bohemia in exile. Its editor and founder left Cuba in 1960 amid much publicity requesting asylum in the Venezuelan Embassy. Quevedo committed suicide in 1969 blaming himself for helping to cause what he saw as installation of a dictatorial regime after 1959.

Revista encuentro de la cultura cubana. Madrid, Spain: 1985-.
Founded and edited by Jesus Diaz, until his death in 2002, and now edited by Rafael Rojas, Encuentro has been a forum for discussion of all things Cuban and has included the full spectrum of moderate views. Taking Volume 20, Spring, 2001 as a sample we find an entire section of the journal (Pgs. 156-240) devoted to an analysis of the Cuban Political Penitenciary with many articles and testimonies from moderates.

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