Ignacio Medrano-Carbo is a Miami-based painter and artist. When asked by a curator from Barcelona “Do you paint in acrylics or oil?”, Medrano-Carbo writes that he replied "I paint in self-defense."
Ignacio Medrano-Carbo
After his expulsion from Miami Beach Senior High School, living as a beach bum through the 60’s, then winning a number of art school scholarships that condemned him to a life of ketchup sandwiches and “chi-chi” soirees, Ignacio Medrano-Carbó embarked upon a career in war-torn Central and South America. His career as a freelance cameraman for CBS News was cut short by Panamanian General Noriega’s henchmen-- as they badly injured him in an assault perpetrated against members of the international press in 1988. During his convalescence, he wrote then starred in his play, The Electric Hummingbird produced in 1990 by Teresa Maria Rojas in Miami for the Fifth International Hispanic Theater Festival and performed at the James L. Knight Center. Since then he’s done a 145 day tour in the Middle East for NBC News in 2003 covering Israel and the West Bank but has always continued to paint.
He claims his influences as the following:
As a boy in Cuba he remembers his father’s impromptu literary humor, verbal dexterity and the stories he read to him about Native American Indians at bedtime. His mother’s physical beauty, poet’s heart, and worldly mind was to ……………………………….
After getting to the U.S. in 1960 her undying support for his work with the exception of his anti-clerical propensities. Growing up in Miami Beach, the list of influences also include New York Jewish and Italian tourists, the “beach boy” scene of the pool decks in the early to late Sixties, black radio DJ’s of that time, local street culture and the many blue collar people he met while working the forty or fifty soul crushing odd jobs which he recalls mostly getting fired from before and after art school. Enter: Thelonious Monk, beatniks in general, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, the Doors, Frank Zappa, Dali, The Last Poets, Cyrano de Bergerac, Man Ray, de Chirico, Daumier, Magritte, the Dadaists, Velazquez, Lenny Bruce, Lord Buckley, Baudelaire, Cecil Taylor, Van Gogh, Fellini, Eisenstein, Vermeer, Turner, Frans Hals, Rabelais, Marcel Duchamp, Keinholz, Manzoni, Buckminster Fuller, Charles Bukowski, Klimt, Munch, Hopper, Kafka, Nietzsche, Ryder, Hesse, Camus, Nabokov, Sergio Carbó, Jim Harrison, Ikkyu…in that order and his nods go on. Discovering Marcel Duchamp in 1972, along with installation and performance artist mavericks like Manzoni, Keinholz, Joseph Beuys, and Christo, admittedly derailed Ignacio’s painting train. This influence was evident in his controversial 1972 installation at the Miami Dade College North Campus Student Art Exhibition Port ‘a Tart, whose elements included a naked girl in a box sporting a chain and ball and a ”toy” vibrating atop a snare drum on a stand. His unfinished project in 1974 of painting a 60’ X 60’ canvas with a Harley Davidson scrambler motorcycle preceded conceptual artist Aaron Young’s, Greeting Card at the Park Avenue Armory by thirty three years. His comment,”…fly and catch Aaron!”
He received an AA degree from Miami Dade College studying under Robert Thiele, Salvador La Rosa, Shirley Henderson, Richard Price, Peter McWhorter from 1970-73.
Ignacio began painting again in 1989 after he experienced a writer’s block while writing his one-act play, The Electric Hummingbird. The act of painting itself he recounts, “purged the barriers.” He continued to produce paintings as well as works in photography.
His scholarships for art include the Boston School of the Museum of Fine Arts in 1973-74. A scholarship for photography at Rochester Institute of Technology (Eastman Kodak) in 74-75, received a full visual arts scholarship at the University of Miami to finish his BFA in 1977 after returning from a year studying sculpture and film in 1975-1976 at York University, Toronto, Canada.
A news story he shot with his soundman, Steve Lomonoco, while on assignment, this time for NBC in the Middle-East in 2003, reported by Martin Fletcher, Bureau Chief of the Tel-Aviv Bureau went on to win a Peabody Award. Since his hip replacement in 2006 , Ignacio has dedicated more and more time to his artwork, which brings us to this exhibition.
Artist Statement:
After seeing pictures of my work a few months ago, a curator from Barcelona (an acquaintance of John Cleese), asked, “Do you paint in acrylics or oil?” I told him that I paint in self-defense. He raised a dismissive eyebrow recalling Dalí´s moustache in reverse and remained quiet, his silence suing for more, so I took him for a swim…
“Yes, self-defense as in to stop myself from being drowned in the general churn…” But with few exceptions, the act of jumping into a new painting for me is far from being a sanctuary or refuge and more like volunteering for frontline duty in a war—reincarnating again and again in the middle of a battle of my own devise where I’m both general and foot soldier with nowhere to hide. As the inimitable Ray Bradbury once put it, ”You have to jump off the cliff all the time and build you wings on the way down”.
It is no breakthrough noting that artistically speaking nothing happens in a safe zone except spiritual ossification and aesthetic obesity …. Sometimes I end up vandalizing my own work, thereby attacking the possibility of becoming, in Picasso’s words “[my] own connoisseur”. That is where the real sinking or swimming starts as I tread between Scylla and Charybdis who entreat mockingly “Jump in, the water’s fine... “
Representational or abstract?
Although many would argue otherwise, my paintings are quite “representational” and “figurative” except that they may not represent many viewers’ expectations of those terms. Entropynk, for instance, could easily be the face of God even more so than the white bearded Titan that appears in most ecclesiastical and/or traditionally popular iconography which like the word “God” itself, reduces the irreducible for the sake of communication, but inevitably limits truth in the process. My paintings are no less representative than if you took a section of a Turner thunderstorm or blizzard or sunset and blew it up into a close up—minus Turner’s people, ships or animals which do not appear in my “landscapes” as standard “life-like” anatomical entities. But the paintings do represent --along with celebrating the sheer eros of just paint and texture-- the blood, bone and soul of existential conundrama.
* Conundrama,after Jim Harrison
(Content contributed by Ignacio Medrano-Carbo 2008)
Ignacio Medrano-Carbo
Richly-experienced and versatile professional photographer, cameraman, music video producer and director with a strong corporate, entertainment and television news background. Highly-resourceful, organized and energetic bilingual individual (English and Spanish) with well developed team building, leadership and decision making skills. Systematic, yet flexible, individual with excellent research, analytical, planning and follow through abilities. Creative problem solver who consistently adheres to high personal standards of efficiency and performance, and is accustomed to meeting sensitive, challenging deadlines. Commissions completed throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, the Middle East, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Belize, Mexico, British Virgin Isles, Puerto Rico, Bahamas.
Professional History
1979 to Present
Photographer, Cameraman, Video, Film and Television Producer/Director
Corporate Clients
- Chevron, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Agilent, Guinness, UDV, Auto Nation, Royal Caribbean,
- Norwegian Cruise Lines, L’oreal, Ralph Lauren, Armani, Computer Associates, Hi-Tec, Chanel, Secret Deodorant, U.S. Post Office, Ft. Lauderdale Yachting, Medialink, U.S. Armed Forces
Network News Assignments
- NBC News: 90-day Middle East assignment (Spring 2002) 45-day assignment (Fall 2002)
- CBS News – Miami Bureau: Electronic News Gathering (ENG) Cameraman, Miami, Florida: Comprehensively covered technical and logistically critical international news events including war zones, areas of force majeur devastation (earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions), the Falkland War, guerilla warfare activities in remote mountain camps in Salvador, contra activities in Nicaragua and Honduras, Baby Doc’s flight from Haiti and Palestinian Israeli conflict in the Middleast.
- Client commissions/assignments: NBC News, CBS News, ABC News, BBC, 48 Hours, Dateline, 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes II, HBO, Extra, America's Most Wanted, Cops, Inside Edition, American Journal, Reuters, Silverking, E!, Entertainment, Court TV, France 2, RTL Television, ZDF, NHK, TRavel Channel, Sat 1, Sportsnet, CTV
Theatre and Film
- Electric Hummingbird (stage play): Wrote, directed and portrayed main character in play produced for the 1990 International Hispanic theatre Festival held in Miami at the James L. Knight Center.
- Electric Hummingbird (movie): Produced, directed and portrayed main character, 1990.
- Any Given Sunday, directed by Oliver Stone Miami, Florida/Irving, Texas Starring Al Pacino, Cameron Diaz, James Woods, Dennis Quaid and Jim Brown Shot the video angles of games and players for the movie.
- Sin Noticias De Dios, (behind the scenes) Madrid, Spain Starring Penelope Cruz, Victoria Abril, Fanny Ardant, Gael Garcia Bernal Served as second camera for “The Making of” DVD.
Music Video Producer/Director/Cinematographer: Created, produced and directed music videos featured on MTV and produced on record labels.
- Open Up My Heart/ The Dells and Friends/ Devine Records
- The 9/11 Anthem Suite
- Miami El Negro/ D.J. Laz/ Pandisc
- Rock Wit It/ Prince Rahim/ Island Records
- Funky Y2C (how-to video)/ The Puppies/ Sony Records
- Latin Rhythm/ D.J. Laz/ Pandisc
- Boyfriend/ Get Fresh Girls/ Pandisc
- Trickin’ Manor Park Rangers/ Pandisc
- Groovy/Danny B/ Pandisc
- It’s My Cadillac/ Nasty D/ Joey Boy Records
- Gold Diggin’ Girls/ Nasty D/ Joey Boy Records
- Boom n’ Hydraulics/ Half Pint/ Joey Boy Records
- Kings of Base/ Kings of Base/ Joey Boy Records
- Physical Ace/ Joey Boy Records
- Mix It Up/ D.J. Uncle Al/ Joey Boy Records
- Funky Y2C/ The Puppies/ Joey Boy Records
- Dazzy Dukes/ The Repo Crew/ Joey Boy Records
University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida
- Bachelor of Fine Arts, 1977
- Awarded full Visual Arts scholarship
York University Toronto, Canada
- Visual Arts, Photography, Film coursework completed, 1975 to 1976
Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, New York
- Photography, Cinematography coursework completed, 1974
- Awarded Photography scholarship
Boston School of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Massachusetts
- Awarded Photography and Visual Arts scholarship
Miami-Dade Community College Miami, Florida
- Associate in Arts, Photography, Cinematography, Television, Production, 1973
- Awarded Photography and Visual Arts scholarship
Published Articles
- "In Managua Everyone has a Price,” New Times, Vol. 2, No. 28 Dec. 30, 1987 – Jan. 5, 1988
- "Gunned Down in Haiti,” New Times, Vol. 2, No. 26 Dec. 16 – 22, 1987
Published Fiction
- "Mojonus Rex, Part I,” Generation Ñ, Vol. III, Issue 21, June 1998
- "Mojonus Rex, Part II,” Generation Ñ, Vol. III, Issue 22, July-August 1998
- "Training Wheels,” Generation Ñ, Vol. II, Issue 19, April 1998
- CBS News: Larry Doyle, Bureau Chief Miami
- CBS News: Gavin Boyle, Senior Producer Evening News, New York
- CBS News: Jennifer Seibens, Bureau Chief Los Angeles, California
- 60 Minutes II: Ivonne L. Miller, Associate Producer
- NBC News: Frieda Morris, Bureau Chief Atlanta
- NBC News: Danny Noa, Foreign News Director
- NBC News: Kip Whitlock, Bureau Chief New York
- Dateline: Bob Gilmartin, Producer
- CBS WBBM: Ronald T. Vasser, Television Director
- Any Given Sunday: Chuck Cohen, 2nd Unit Director of Photography
- Any Given Sunday: Rick Dungan, Video Coordinator
- Island Records Studio: Joe Galdo, Producer
- Pandisc: Bo Crane, Executive
- Joey Boy Records: Joe Armada
- Guinness UDV, Miami, Florida: Virginia Sanchez, Director of Communications for the Southeast
- Medialink Corporate TV, New York: Georgeanne Mangiamele, Senior Producer
- Dan Noa: NBC NEWS Foreign desk
- John Quinones: ABC News
- Kerry Sanders: NBC News
- David Bloom: NBC News (deceased)
- Steve Kroft: 60 Minutes
- Lest Trent: Inside Edition
- Mark Potter: NBC News
- Martin Fletcher: Bureau Chief, NBC Tel Aviv
Gallery 1
Ignacio Medrano-Carbo


After the Rain |
Waiting to Rain


Between AWOL and A Hard Place |
Buddha's Late |
Gallery 2


Entropynk |
Birth of a Poet


Gee Beaver, You Just Shot the Holy Ghost |
A Perfect Day for Imperfection |
Gallery 3


Memoirs of a Needle |
I Used to be Another


The Last Rainforest |
Heart of a Hummingbird |
Gallery 4


Gallery Showing 1 |
Gallery Showing 2


Gallery Showing 3 |
Gallery Showing 4 |
Gallery Index
- Gallery 1
- After the Rain
- Waiting to Rain
- Between AWOL
- Buddha's Late
- Gallery 2
- Entropy
- Birth
- Gee Beaver
- A Perfect Day
- Gallery 3
- Memoirs
- I Used to be Another
- Last Rainforest
- Heart of Hummingbird
- Gallery 4
- Gallery showing 1
- Gallery showing 2
- Gallery showing 3
- Gallery showing 4